Adult Classes

All adult classes are offered both in person and virtually. To book reach out through my contact page.

Private Drawing Class - $85/ hr

Whether you’re a seasoned artist or have never drawn before, these private classes are tailored to meet you wherever you are in your drawing journey.

Private Creative Expression Class -$85/ hr

These private lessons are centered around bringing more play and trust into your life. Appropriate for all levels, creative expression privates explore various mediums and practices that emphasize open ended exploration.

Group Classes


“Eve’s class has felt like a hydrating oasis in the arid desert of adulthood. 

As an adult working in a high stress healthcare setting, I have found it hard to find moments where I can express myself creatively. Where I can find that place I used to retreat to as a child and use my brain and my heart together to create and relax. 

Eve’s class for me has been exactly what I needed. The structure for this class specifically has been “play” or “non structure”- the blank page to do what you feel! It’s been extremely therapeutic and healing.

We begin each class with a meditative writing exercise and sometimes a nice poem or excerpt to center us in the intention of “letting go.” It is a breath of fresh air.

Additionally, because of my background in science, I’m a big biometric data person. I’ve been logging my metrics every Tuesday during class time and the class puts me in a “relaxed” or “restorative” state EVERY TIME! It’s beautiful. “ - Melissa V.