Practices for moving into the connective space:

Let your sense of hearing expand, both externally and internally, large and small, whatever is available. Notice the silence between sounds. Notice how sound is a wave that passes into and through the body and back out, blurring the edges of inner/outer. 

Become aware of the space between your ears and your shoulders. Imagine a small red balloon filling this space on either side. On your inhales feel this “balloon” press against your skin and on your exhales feel it contract away slightly. Feel your mind move into this space.

Place your hand on your abdomen and simply notice its gentle rise and fall as you breathe. Now look around you and notice the empty space. Come back to your abdomen and recognize that the space around you is entering in and out of you with each breath. Focus on your own porousness for a few more moments as you breathe. 

Come to a gentle jog (can also be done sitting or standing) with your arms stretched out wide like wings. Feel the space underneath your arms, feel the air brush around your body as you propel forward (if running), sense the space beneath your arms supporting them and keeping them buoyant. 


i am a table


Lost and Held